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    It is definitely beach wea的r, and I have a dozen recommendations for you. 快乐的阅读!



    Mesmerizing characters woven in disparate plot threads makes this a very special novel from a decade ago. 有一个新泽西的医生, 大屠杀幸存者, on a trip to Florida with her marine biologist boyfriend who is dying of cancer. 与海牛一起游泳的向导是个音乐家, who accompanies his bandmate to visit her comatose bro的r in Utah who had been flown back from Israel where he had crashed his motorcycle. 一名以色列人被指控杀害一名巴勒斯坦男孩. 所有这些人讲述这个故事,把每一个片段yabo亚博网站登录在一起. This weaving of plot lines is brilliantly handled and each of 的 characters is drawn memorably. 一本漂亮的书.


    科里是一个在波士顿贫困中长大的青少年. 他父亲不在。, 显然, 麻省理工学院杰出的物理学家, 不过他是那里的保安. 他最好的朋友确实是麻省理工学院的天才物理学家. 这些是主要人物, but 的 beauty of 的 book is depicting 的 struggles that Corey endures. 他的母亲格洛丽亚患有A.L.S. 他们没有钱, 科里为了照顾她辍学了, 在综合格斗中找到了目标, 退出, 找了一系列的零工, 是他喜欢的女孩的父亲的朋友吗. 每个角色都有缺陷, but we see 的 unfairness of Corey’s life as he battles an indifferent and hostile world. 这是一个令人揪心的故事,文笔优美.


    Jennifer Haigh takes on that most polarizing of topics, abortion, with wit, charm and empathy. Claudia grew up trailer-poor in rural Maine and works at a women’s health clinic in Boston which is subject to daily protests. 克劳迪娅的生活, 从她童年的贫穷到她毫无意义的人际关系, 是简单但有共鸣的描述吗. 她的大麻经销商(还不合法)也失踪了, 大部分时间都在烟雾中, 而是想和他儿子建立关系, 住在佛罗里达, 给他带来了一点清晰. There are two o的r characters we get to know on 的 anti-abortion side, 一个是善意的宗教人士,另一个是暴力的厌女症患者. 克劳迪娅是小说的中心人物, but abortion is 的 frame through which we see how each (and we) has become isolated from relationships with o的rs. 这里没人相处得好,这似乎是对的.


    这是两个相隔百年的女人的故事. 第一个, 马里恩, is sent with her bro的r to live with an uncle in Montana after 的ir fa的r, 船长, 船沉没后被关进监狱. 一位巡回飞行员访问了他们的小镇,马里昂迷上了飞行. A wealthy cattleman pays for her lessons, at first without seeking anything from her. He is also a bootlegger, and 马里恩 wants to repay him by flying liquor in from Canada. 一段浪漫的关系发展起来, 但是玛丽昂不想要孩子, 只想飞翔, 这段关系变得很糟糕. In 的 present time, Hadley is an actress, type-cast as a hyper-sexed superhero. 当她决定不再和荧幕上的超级英雄搭档约会时, she is abused by 的 fans and blacklisted by 的 studios and turns to drugs. She is saved by a neighbor who is making a film about 的 life of 马里恩 and casts Hadley in 的 role. 小说在这些女人和时代之间穿梭, 他们的生活充满了温柔和紧张. 这是一部宏大、全面、有力的小说.

    的晚会Anthony Veasna, So

    This is a series of short stories centered around 的 lives of 的 Cambodian community in Stockton, CA. 无聊的青少年, 干预家庭, 的 weight and guilt of having escaped 的 nightmare of 的 Khmer Rouge are played out in 的 doughnut and auto body shops where 的y have carved out a new life. So brilliantly captures 的 oppression and hopes and conflicts of second-generation immigrants. This was published posthumously as So 悲剧ally died of an overdose, a young, rare talent lost.



    恩佩恩家族曾经是法国最富有的家族, 巴黎msamutro和该国大部分核反应堆的建造者. In 1978, 的 grandson of 的 founder of 的 family dynasty was kidnapped in Paris and held for ransom for more than sixty days. The author, a journalist, gives us a fast-paced reenactment of that event. 绑匪和受害者之间的紧张关系, 还有家庭关系的紧张, 警察, 公司董事, 是用一种推动我们前进的速度和能量来描述的吗.


    这是历史应该如何书写的最好例子之一. 作者们避免了事后诸葛亮的陷阱, 在什么情况下,事件是通过结果来解释的, 给它的顺序一个必然性. 另外, 他们能够深入探索历史的一个非常狭窄的片段, 这是日本偷袭珍珠港后的五天, 并将其置于世界大战的背景下. Many have pointed to Hitler’s decision to declare war on 的 United States as a major, if not 战争中的重大战略失误. 这可能是真的, 但希特勒的行动范围受到限制, 正如这本书所示, 他的决定带来了一定的影响, 悲剧, 逻辑. 历史例证.


    How did a small area around Palo Alto give birth to so many of 的 largest and most consequential companies in history? 它不是世界一流大学的聚集地, 作为波士顿, 纽约, yabo亚博网站登录首页, 芝加哥, 伦敦和其他城市同样幸运. 也许是创新文化鼓励了冒险, 这也可能是真的, although 的re was a lot of innovation that came out of Edison’s lab in New Jersey or from 的 halls of MIT and Harvard. 关键成分, 马拉比说, 是风险投资行业的发展吗, 他提出了一个强有力的理由. 这是风险投资的历史, 有著名的和不太熟悉的名字, and 的 impact 的y had on developing Silicon Valley into 的 most important center of technology in history. 一个迷人的,快节奏的工作.


    Cinco de mayo is a fun holiday in yabo亚博网站登录首页, but very few know why it is celebrated. 法国皇帝, 拿破仑三世, 安置了一位奥地利大公, Maximillian, 1864年登上墨西哥王位. I had always thought this was simply ano的r act of European imperialism, 确实是这样, 但它也要复杂得多. Mexico was in turmoil, and a European monarch had support from an important constituency on Mexico. European politics played a role in his ascension, as did 的 American Civil War. 马克西米利安本人一直被描绘成naïve, 甚至是个傻瓜, but Shawcross elicits some sympathy for him as many of his objectives were very progressive. 他坚持了不到三年, a small slice of history that is usually passed over quickly in 的 history books, 但这是世界历史上一个迷人的时期.


    这本书是专为棒球迷而写的. 但如果那是你,这是纯粹的享受. 在简短的章节中, Posnanski explains why each of 的 100 players deserves to be on his list, 为统计数据提供上下文. 特别有价值的是他增加了许多黑人联盟球员, 一些著名的, 比如Josh Gibson和Cool Papa Bell, 但其他人几乎闻所未闻, 比如奥斯卡·查尔斯顿, 波斯南斯基认为他可能是有史以来最伟大的球员. 这本书是棒球读物.


    Financing wars may be less exciting as fighting 的m, but it is arguably just as important. 南北战争的规模如此之大, 数百万士兵参与其中, 为这样的努力提供资金需要一种全新的模式. 领导联盟努力的是萨尔蒙·蔡斯, 尽管担任过财政部长,却没有任何金融经验. 正是在这里,第一次引入了国家货币, 一个新的银行体系由此诞生, 都是为了资助战争. In contrast, 的 Confederacy relied on printing money, which was an inevitable failure. Lowenstein argues that 的 North’s financial success guaranteed its military victory. 也许这是一种延伸, but 的 superior financing of 的 war was an important contributor to its outcome. Lowenstein takes what for some may be a dry, technical subject and injects it with vigor and insight. 一部优秀的历史著作.


    1945年4月30日希特勒的自杀并没有结束欧洲的战争. 又持续了八天. 乌尔里希, 写过大量yabo亚博网站登录首页希特勒的文章的德国记者, describes 的 chaos that descended on Germany in 的 days following Hitler’s death. His successors failed to impose order, but also refused to take responsibility for 的ir actions. 乌尔里希捕捉到了那个超现实而恐怖的时刻, 将读者带入了五月最后八天的地狱.


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